Relax. Move. Power Up!
Don´t be that person. The one who doesn´t move enough. The one contributing to an annual cost exceeding $50 Bn. The one with pain and poor blood flow.
Fit For Flight 2.1 has the tools for you. Tailored Functional Training exercises, Mndfulness, Yoga, Breathing Exercises, Automated Training Programs, CBT based Fearless Flying…
Join the movement! Users in well above 100 countries and growing rapidly.
Included in Fit For Flight…

Tailored Programs
Let us help you to arrive at your destination with a fresh mind and body. It´s simple! Just enter the length of your flight and your target and we´ll remind you when it´s time to take action.

At the beginning of a flight you may want to wind down. When you get close to your destination you may want to power up and increase your energy level. Or maybe you just need to focus? Don´t worry – we have got you covered either way…

Yoga Flow
Yoga´s benefits on your mental and physical well being has been proven for ages. Let´s see what our flight specific Yoga Flow sessions can do for you.

Fearless Flying
18% of all passengers feel a discomfort while flying. Our Fearless Flying section helps your mind to focus on other things while flying and hopefully even smile!

How you breathe determines the state of your body and mind. We promise you the most mesmerising app breathing experience there is on the market today! Keep calm, keep focus.

Functional Training
”Sitting is the new smoking”. Our movements are carefully designed for an in-flight environment and will keep you feel fresher, reduce aches and pains, increase your blood flow and reduce the risk of DVT
What People Are Saying
”For me, having a mindful flight is top priority. I feel a slight anxiety when I fly and I need to focus on other things. For me Fit For Flight´s automated and tailored mind programs works wonders.”
Maria”My mind needs to be sharp and open the moment I arrive at my destination. The customers make their decisions in split seconds, and consequently my mind needs to act even faster than that.”
Daniel”I didn´t travel that much anymore, it was just too much strain on my back and neck. Thanks to Fit for Flight I am not sore after a 4 hour flight anymore and the whole trip becomes more joyful.”
SteveReady for healthier flights?
XTD Group AB | Sweden